Present: Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault, Yashy Murphy, Suzie Loiselle, Marc Smith, Darcy Ryno, ED Elizabeth Kerr, Paul Knowles
Regrets: Monica MacNeil, Jerry Grymek
Meeting called to order by DD
Proposed budget was presented.
EK explained a few items: the total increase in media dues seemed at first glance to be more than 5% (our growth target), but this was accounted for because last year, a number of members joined in mid-year. The budget does represent a 5% increase based on full-year rate. $2400 was added to cover the cost of the social media coordinator. Membership in TIAC was discontinued.
Motion – to approve the 2020 budget as approved. Moved by MS, seconded by TF. Carried unanimously.
Next meeting: Jan. 29, to be confirmed by Doodle poll.
Meeting was adjourned by DD.