Present: Dale Dunlop, Yashy Murphy, Paul Knowles, Jerry Grymek, Guy Thériault, Suzie Loiselle, Marc Smith, Tracy Ford, Monica MacNeil, ED Elizabeth Kerr, Treasurer Darcy Rhyno
Minutes recorded by PK.
Meeting called to order by DD at 12:01 p.m.
Minutes – of Mar. 25, Apr. 7, moved by MS, seconded by JG, carried.
Financial situation: EK: Tracking based on budget at this time; until conference decision is made, no revised version will be proposed. Note: percentage figure at bottom right of financial statement is irrelevant and will be deleted.
ED Report: Membership stats: numbers are dropping a bit. Eight people in media have not requalified; have been contacted. Moved by PK seconded MM, that membership renewals be extended to the end of May, to be revisited at that time. Carried.
Note: Some DMOs do not have the right to spend money right now. They, like us, are in a holding pattern, but still trying to plan for the future.
DD: Will communicate to members that we have extended membership renewals until the end of May, and anticipate continuing to do this until the pandemic crisis is over.
YM: Recommended that 2021 requalificationss be postponed to 2022. Moved by JB, second GT, that requalifications be extended by a year. Carried.
Moved that the requalification for TMAC media members will take place every three years, not every two years. Moved by JG, seconded by GT. Details on points required to be confirmed at a later date. Carried.
EK: New members will still apply under the two-year system.
EK: Chapter funding: DD: Trust chapter chairs to keep National informed; cheques should be issued for 50% of annual amount, since money is in the budget.
EK: A contingency plan is being developed by EK and TF concerning a situation in which EK might be unavailable to carry out her duties.
EK: PK has agreed to be chapter liaison person. The main purpose is to reach out to key contact in chapters prior to board meetings to determine any issues that need to be discussed, and to facilitate any answers needed between board meetings.
MS: Noted that chapters should also report to PK about events they plan as chapters.
EK: Member profile directory – recommends we don’t publish this at this point. All board members should revisit their profile.
Also: would like more board members on the TMAC carousel. Will send email with instructions how to do this.
National Conference: EK: No other dates are possible, except for the first of September. Holiday Inn still holding the space. Sudbury is not prepared to confirm Sept. at this time. Sudbury would still consider 2023 if 2020 is impossible. EK expects at least two weeks before a final decision is made by Sudbury.
GT: Re. Go Media conference – Had conversation with Destination Canada re. Go Media conference. Go Media plans a completely different format – domestic media only, for early Sept. Door is open for more discussion. Current situation – both GoMedia and TMAC will move forward re. individual conferences, if possible, but future collaborations are possible. No decisions were made on behalf of TMAC.
SL: Go Media will probably not make a decision about going ahead with their conference until June. DD: We need to wait until that decision is made to decide on our conference.
GT: TMAC will now follow up with Destination Canada.
DD: Has made a formal application to postpone the AGM. Has had no response at this point, except a confirmation that the application has been received.
TF: Awards: judges are doing final reviews. People’s choice awards are now launched. Top 5 finalists in all 13 categories will be announced Tuesday, May 19. Still working out how to present the awards if conference does not go ahead.
MS: National PD: Feedback has been very positive. Good feedback from surveys. 75% of media, 100% of industry thought webinar was very good or excellent. No one rated it poor. Next webinar May 1; 40 already registered. Industry webinar will follow.
Plan: Recommendation from national PD committee: going to try to have a dedicated day every month for webinars. Also, during COVID, committee is trying to offer a webinar every two weeks. Webinars are now being uploaded for exclusive access to TMAC members on the TMAC website.
Plan to invite each chapter to own – and fund if necessary – one webinar. To be facilitated through PK as Chapter liaison.
Upcoming webinars: Media: SEO, Photo Editing, Exploring your own backyard; Industry to industry: TF – working with committee of three to plan webinar, May 21.
MS: Suggests that industry members could invite an industry colleague who is not a TMAC member to participate in the live Industry to Industry webinar.
MS: Virtual cocktail parties on Mondays are going well. Next one will include a pub quiz.
MS: recommends that conference PD and national PD committees be amalgamated. DD: not for this year, but on a go-forward basis. PD committee will liaise with conference committee.
MS: Recommends that webinars may be sponsor opportunities.
EK: Suggests offering one webinar free to non-TMACers, and perhaps after that, charge for their participation.
TF: Awards – Creating a new Industry Award for 2021. Committee would organize judging panel. Award is for an industry partner; info will be provided to EK by TF and sent to executive committee. To be on agenda for next meeting.
DD: Adjournment 1:30 p.m.
Next meeting – May 27 12 noon EDT.