TMAC Board Minutes – April 19, 2023

TMAC National Board Meeting Minutes
12:00pm-1:30pm EDT

Attendees:  Tracy Ford, Donna Hatt, Judi Cohen, Paul Knowles, Rod Charles, Grant Fraser, Yashy Murphy, Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Jerry Grymek, Pam Wamback.

Regrets: Mark Stevens, Pierre Santoni, Noelle Aune, Pat Lee


1.0 Call to Order – TF – 12:01 pm EST

2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF – WNC moved & JC second. Approved

3.0 Approval of Minutes – TF – Moved GF, WNC second, Approved

Minutes of March 22, 2023 – viewable here

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

4.1 Strategic Plan Update – JC
Draft plan was received from consultant April 18. The Governance Committee will meet ahead of our AGM, inviting additional existing and new board members to review the DRAFT providing insight/recommendations for the board to consider. These recommendations will be provided to our consultant for inclusion. Given the tight timeline between now and our May 10 AGM, only a summary will be provided at the AGM. The next key deadline is our June Conference with a dedicated session to presenting the strategy to our membership. As a result, the committee will be working to finalize the strategy ahead of June 14. 

4.2 AGM Package & Script – DH
The May 10 AGM Package was circulated as per our by-laws to membership. DH will work on a script including vote protocols for movers and seconders for the board.

4.2 ITAC Memorandum of Understanding announcement – UPDATED THIS WAS DELAYED
MOU will be signed virtually by TF as the current chair at the AGM with an ITAC representative joining the AGM to address our membership and sign as well.  It will be added to the agenda as part of strategic partnerships.  A joint press release will be issued following the AGM by both organizations. 

5.0 Financial Report – GF

5.1 Account Balance as of April 14, 2023

GF reported our current account balances:

Business Unlimited

Business Investor Account

Credit Card Balance




A recommendation will be forthcoming for our May Board meeting to secure GICs, beginning to rebuild our operating reserve funds from the Business Unlimited Account. 

5.2 Monthly Financial Reports: as of March 31/23 – View Here
March Month End financials were shared and reviewed,
Motion to approve GF, second WNC, Passed. 

5.3 2022 Financial Review Engagement Acceptance
Motion by electronic vote recorded here for the minutes:
MOVED by Grant Fraser, that the Review Engagement completed by Les Lucyk, our accountant, and our 2022 TMAC Financial Report be accepted.
Seconded by Wendy Nordvik-Carr.

Motion passed by electronic vote.

6.0 National Committee Reports: (View Reports)

● Awards Committee: Tracy Ford
Judges finishing reviews on April 21, Top 5 to be named May 17. TF is looking to the board to assist with roles at the gala.
Member Voted Awards closed April 3, Peoples Choice Photo of the Year is now open for voting.

● Communications Committee: Yashy Murphy 
YM raised an issue regarding TMAC members using AI for content creation.  After a long discussion with many board members expressing concerns about the use of AI, the following action was agreed upon:  

DH to work with YM in drafting an email to be issued by TF as soon as possible to all members drawing their attention to our TMAC Code of Conduct, and specifically item 4b) which reflects the authenticity of work. This Code was signed by all members when becoming or renewing their memberships. Members will also be informed that governance will be reviewing the guidelines/verification tools/monitoring and reporting.  Given the increasing availability of AI tools such as Chat GPT, this is at the centre of integrity within our organization for both industry and media members. 

YM inquired about discussions between Governance and Chapters. Specifically asking for clarification around use of TMAC branded customer facing social media channels. In addition to the Ontario Chapter Facebook and Instagram account, TMAC Ontario, the Atlantic Chapter has now opened an Instagram account, TMAC_Atlantic. 

Clarification around use of TMAC National Brand and guidelines around handles, and use of outward facing channels will be an item within the Strategic Plan and specifically falls under the TMAC National – Chapters component. This has not yet been addressed, it was agreed that the Communications Committee should bring forth recommendations for a comms plan that addresses Chapter communications and role. This will be included within the National-Chapter relations program, building the TMAC National Brand in outward facing channels.

● Conference Committee: Pam Wamback
In addition to the report provided, PW mentioned that the committee reached out to members about bus transportation from Toronto.  Only 4 members expressed interest.  She noted that members are reaching out in the TMAC National Facebook group looking for car-pooling.

● Future Host Committee: Jerry Grymek
Report provided. PK inquired about when new board members will be advised of future host locations and about reaching out to them regarding interest in vice-chairing conference with RC.
It was agreed that incoming board members may be notified of the future hosts in advance of taking office and ahead of the membership as PK discusses and works towards committee roles.

Governance Committee: Judi Cohen
JC provided report under item 4.1 above

● Human Resources Committee: Jerry Grymek
Nothing new to report.

● Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Paul Knowles
Report provided. PK noted that 40 new attendees are coming to the conference.  A buddy system will be put in place and he will assign board members to be buddies.

Many of the National Board volunteered to be a buddy.

● National PD Committee: Wendy Nordvik-Carr
Report provided. WNC noted that a session is being held on April 25th on brand building on Linkedin. 

● Sponsorship Committee: Jerry Grymek
Report submitted. Deadline for all sponsorship confirmation is May 17

7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (View Reports) Reports submitted.

BC & Yukon
See report.

Prairies & NWT
It was noted that there is an upcoming PD & Media Tour being planning for May 24-26 being hosted in Golden BC. There have been discussions with BC & Yukon as well. A request for financial support may be forthcoming, noting National does not have a program in place currently to do so.

● Ontario
See report.

● Atlantic

8.0 CAO Report – DH (View Reports) – Report submitted.

9.0 New Business

GF offered to help work on member recognition for 5, 10, 20 yr memberships. PK acknowledged and stated that he is already working on this with RC.

PK inquired about TMAC records of dates members joined. 

10. Other

Upcoming Timelines:

April 3: Member Voted awards close
April 12: Distribute AGM Meeting Package with Annual Reports
April 19: Board Meeting
April 19: Peoples Choice Photo of the Year Voting OPENS
April 30th: Conference Registration Deadline

May 17: Board Meeting 
May 17: TMAC Award Finalists announced

June 11-14: Pre-Conference Media Tours
June 14-18: TMAC Conference & Media Marketplace
June 18: 2023-24 New Board of Directors take office.

10.0 Next Meeting

May 17, 12 noon EST – Via ZOOM

11.0 Meeting Adjournment TF 1:33pm EST

The board wished Tracy Ford a Happy Birthday!!!!

Minutes by TMAC National Board Secretary – Judi Cohen.