TMAC AGM Minutes of June 17 2021 Approved at AGM on May 26

Thursday June 17, 2021 via ZOOM

Minutes taken by Paul Knowles, Secretary
Meeting chaired by Tracy Ford, Acting President

REGRETS: Board members Guy Theriault, Jami Savage

1.0 Welcome & Introductions
Tracy Ford: Having achieved quorum, a minimum of 25 members, called the Annual General Meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

2.0 MINUTES OF AGM HELD June 30, 2020 Via Zoom
Moved by Paul Knowles: Be it resolved that the minutes of the AGM held on June 30, 2020, via Zoom and are hereby adopted and that a copy of these minutes be signed and placed in the minute book of the Corporation. Seconded by Monica MacNeil. Motion carried

3.0 Financial Report
Treasurer Darcy Rhyno presented the 2020 Year-end Financial Report. Darcy moved that the audited financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2020, together with the report thereon of the public accountant, Les Lucyk Professional Corporation, be approved.
Seconded by Jerry Grymek. Motion carried.

Darcy Rhyno moved: Be it RESOLVED that the Les Lucyk Professional Corporation be appointed public accountant for the Travel Media Association of Canada for the coming year.
Seconded by Kattrin Duncan. Motion carried.

4.0 Board of Directors
Tracy Ford: Introduced the next item of business, the nomination and election of Directors. The election slate was duly communicated electronically to all members in accordance with the Bylaws. As included in the AGM package, all seven of the 11 positions that were open have been filled by acclamation therefore there will be no balloting for the Board of Directors.

The TMAC Board of Directors for 2021 consists of:
President (two-year term): Tracy Ford
Vice President (two year term): Paul Knowles
Directors at Large (continuing in second year of two-year term):
Darcy Rhyno       
Jami Savage       
Guy Thériault

Directors at Large (elected to two-year term):
Judi Cohen        
Jerry Grymek       
Kattrin Duncan        
Yashy Murphy       
Grant Fraser       
Pamela Wamback

Monica MacNeil moved: Be it RESOLVED that the slate of Board of Directors for TMAC be accepted by acclamation for the positions and terms as indicated in compliance with our By-Laws. Seconded by Darcy Rhyno. Motion carried.

5.0 Committee Reports
Tracy Ford: All reports from our many Committees and our Chapters, each consisting of members undertaking work on behalf of our TMAC membership, are available as part of the TMAC annual report which were included in the AGM package and therefore will not be repeated at this time.

Tracy Ford made some additional comments:

  • She recognized volunteer members of the board, by name. “They have literally gone above and beyond in unprecedented times.”
  • She noted that TIAC has called for reopening of the Canada – US border. The summer of 2021 is looking very bright; we as TMAC members, both industry and media, play an important role in this.
  • Tracy stressed that we are looking forward to seeing everyone in Yarmouth and Acadian Shores, June 22-26, 2022.

6.0 Other Business:
None was raised.
Tracy Ford: Thanked retiring Board member Monica MacNeil, for her work, especially as part of the HR committee.
Reminder: 2022 TMAC Conference will be in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, June 22-26.

7.0 Adjournment
Tracy Ford: Declared the 2021 annual meeting of the Travel Media Association of Canada concluded, at 1:14 p.m., and thanked everyone for attending.