TMAC’s 2021 Virtual Conference Sessions, June 1 -3
The following recordings are from the LIVE sessions hosted during TMAC’s 2021 Virtual Conference.
By request, we have made these recording available exclusively to our members.
Please note, presentations that included videos did not render within the recordings.
Kerry-Ann Douglas-Powell, Manager of Policy & Systems Transformation within the Anti-Racism Directorate for the Province of Ontario
Marcelo Risi, Director of Communications, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Laval St. Germain, Global Adventurer
How to Vet and Work with Content Creators
A panel including leading Canadian content creators and destination representatives.
Panelists: Yashy Murphy, Minto Schneider; Pam Wamback and Solmaz Khosrowshahian.
Moderator: Kattrin Duncan
Responsible Reporting
The future of travel journalism after COVID-19. Our responsibility to make the world a better destination.
What have we learned, during the pandemic pause, about our role concerning overtourism; human rights; travel journalism and the environment; the ongoing impact of COVID-19? Insight from veteran travel journalists, and expert comment on human rights and global health.
Panelists: Professor Karla Boluk, Darcy Rhyno, and Diane Selkirk.
Moderator: Paul Knowles
The New Travel Normal
What themes will be relevant in international travel writing, post-pandemic. Exploring new opportunities like outdoor adventure. A panel of destination representatives from the U.S., the Caribbean and Europe.
Panelists: Jerry Grymek, Sandra Moffat and Suzie Sponder
Moderator: Tania Kedikian
The Challenges of Re-opening Tourism, Post-Pandemic
What will have changed, and how will the tourism industry need to adapt? And what can we learn from the time spent under COVID?The Challenges of re-opening tourism, post-pandemic. What will have changed, and how will the tourism industry need to adapt? And what can we learn from the time spent under COVID?
Presenter: Deirdre Campbell of Beattie Tartan Canada
Moderator: Yashy Murphy
2020 TMAC Awards Presentation
Congratulations to everyone who submitted, those who won and our honourable mentions.
Hosts: Rod Charles and Sabrina Robson