Sarah Blackwell

Chosen Pronoun: She/Her



Portfolio Items

Sarah Martin is Vice President of Client Services at Travel Alliance Partnership, a fully-remote public relations agency. She is based in Rochester, NY. With a core belief that we’re stronger together, Travel Alliance Partnership works collaboratively with travel, tourism, and hospitality organizations to attract what they need to grow and thrive.

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Through my work with Travel Alliance Partnership, I work with destinations across the Northeast and Canada to help them gain positive placements and shed light on the stories and assets that make their area unique.

Some of the destinations I work with include: 

  • Adirondack Coast, NY
  • Saratoga County, Capital Region NY
  • Ulster County, Catskills NY
  • Schoharie County, Central NY
  • Syracuse, NY
  • Finger Lakes Region of New York State
  • Haunted History Trail of New York State
  • Akwesasne, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
  • Sturbridge, Massachusetts
  • Arlington, Virginia


I work with writers, bloggers, and influencers to help discover new story ideas, coordinate hosted visits, connect with destinations for sponsored content and produce pieces that shed light on the "new" and encourage travel, everyday.

Catch me at to discuss opportunities to collaborate with the destinations that I represent.