Sandra Phinney


Portfolio Items

Six Star (Subaru)

The Star

Saltscapes Magazine

Your Local (DVL Publishing)

Saltscapes Magazine

I’m always on the hunt for “story.” Narrative is my strong suit. I’m partial to things related to culture, the outdoors, food, and lifestyle. And I love to write profiles about people and communities. I’ve been told by an editor that I can find story in a stump—and try to live up to that.

I’ve penned four books; the latest, a travel memoir titled Waking Up In My Own Backyard: Explorations in Southwest Nova Scotia  (Pottersfield Press, 2018.) I’ve also contributed to several travel guides including National Geographic’s Guide to the National Parks of Canada.

To satisfy my craving to teach, I give writing workshops on various topics including memoir and travel writing.

I served on the board of TMAC for four years and chaired the Atlantic Chapter. I’m also a member of WFNS, WFNB, and TWUC. In my spare time I teach Tai Chi and do wilderness canoe trips.