Nancy Petrie


Portfolio Items

My career in the tourism world began in the 1990s as a travel agent but quickly switched gears to the hotel business. Being involved in a small rural resort you quickly become "Jill of all Trades". From managing to working all departments, the hands on team approach is certainly deeply engrained in me. My role now with Oak Island Resort is working the inbound market ,travel trade and media. Attracting guests to our resort and area by highlighting all of the wonderful experiences here in this beautiful place we call home. I am a strong believer in partnership and could ask for no better partners than my counter parts in Nova Scotia. My role also has me immersed in community events and in particular my home town Mahone Bay. Born and raised here, my family dates back to the original settlers and so proud to be an active player in this community.  I have been involved in all the favorites such as Scarecrow Festival,Father Christmas and of course South Shore Tourism initiatives over the years.

I have a fierce love for our province and the great opportunities we have to get outdoors year round to explore. When I'm not talking,you will find me kayaking,biking,hiking,looking for waterfalls and of course.. I never pass up a good boogie board wave. 

"We love the Beauty Around Us and Welcome You to Share it"