Linda Barnard

Chosen Pronoun: She/Her


Portfolio Items

Best Side Magazine

I’m a former Toronto Star staff writer and National Newspaper Awards winner (Arts & Entertainment), now based in Victoria, B.C. and working as a freelance food and travel writer. As a member of TMAC, SATW and IFWTWA, I cover British Columbia, Canadian and international travel. My work focuses on unusual and offbeat travel storytelling, the quirky twist or interesting cultural angles that appeal to curious readers who want to know more about luxury travel experiences and intriguing places. My work has won awards from TMAC, SATW and NATJA. My travel stories appear in print and digital publications in Canada and the United States, including the Zoomer,, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun, YAM Magazine, Best Side Magazine, and Vacay Networks and Cruise and Travel Lifestyles. I am a regular contributor to Edible Vancouver and Edible Vancouver Island magazines.

View my portfolio.