Kate Pocock
Freelance Writers


Portfolio Items

Your Teen Magazine

Northeastern Ontario Tourism

Northeastern Ontario Tourism

Northern Ontario Tourism

Kate Pocock, an award-winning writer and photographer with 35 years of experience, specializes in family travel. She believes that travelling with young people—from tots to teens to young adults and new parents with kids—provides a unique understanding of their world beyond ‘home turf.’ And as her own three kids have grown, she is now specializing in travel for older kids—Teens, 20-somethings, and Family Gatherings of all ages.

Her travel stories have been featured in dozens of publications from Canadian Geographic and The Globe and Mail to The New York Times. Her most recent stories and photos (Spring 2019) appeared in Ensemble Vacations magazine, Travel Guides to Canada magazine and as blog posts for Northeastern Ontario Tourism.com. Kate is also a guidebook author of National Geographic Guide to Family Adventure Vacations and Fodor’s Around Toronto with Kids. 

Kate is also a photographer. A photograph taken while attending the recent TMAC conference, Cape Breton Island, was awarded a Bronze photo award by SATW.