TMAC asserts that the prime responsibility of its media members is to serve the public interest by reporting travel news and information accurately, and offering analysis with objectivity.TMAC Media members shall:
- Refrain from misrepresenting their credentials for initial membership, renewal, or in order to obtain complimentary or reduced rate travel arrangements from members of the travel industry.
- Assure the integrity of articles written under their byline; materials from other sources incorporated in a story will be credited; the writer’s own views will be clearly distinguished from news reports.
- Maintain a distinction between an opinion piece and an advertorial. However, even though travel-related stories are not an extension of advertising, brand names and specific companies will be used in newsworthy context or for purposes of clarification only.
- Strive to avoid misleading or misrepresenting tourist boards, public relations companies or other agencies about the likelihood of placing an article.
- Show respect for the travel industry or a travel destination in their writing and not compromise this respect in order to write in an entertaining way.
- Disclose the name of the sponsor who paid for the trip on which they are reporting, when possible, especially if the trip has been sponsored through a private concern.
- Remember that their main obligation is to their readers/listeners/viewers. Their obligation to the travel industry sponsors rests in fulfilling the ethical relationship established with a host.
- Provide industry members with as much advance notice as possible when requesting assistance; however, last minute arrangements are sometimes beneficial for both media and industry.
- With respect to online conduct, whether by way of Listserv or other social media, use civility and respect for other TMAC members in any posting. Members shall refrain from using profanity, undue sarcasm or making defamatory statements about other members or the general public.
- The annual Media Marketplace is a forum for exchanging ideas and generating opportunities for media stories. It is not to be used as a means of advancing personal business interests or promoting products and services for financial gain to industry members.
With regard to press trips (including participation in the annual TMAC conference), Media members shall abide by all of the above, plus they shall:
- Abide by all rules and regulations established by the host of the trip.
- Represent TMAC with dignity and professionalism.
- Refrain from making requests that fall outside of the scope of their assignment or press trip.
- Conduct themselves as ambassadors of the association, the travel industry and Canada.
- Respect local customs, history, traditions and laws.
- Attempt an understanding of the socio-economic, religious and political differences in other cultures.
- Respect the environment at all times.
- Display a realistic attitude to the host regarding the likelihood of placing an article and refrain from misrepresentation regarding same.
- Participate in all scheduled activities on hosted trips unless ill, incapacitated or if previous arrangements have been approved by the host.
- Provide the maximum notice possible in the event that trip arrangements need to be modified or cancelled.
- Upon registration for the Conference media members shall be required to sign a statement to this effect: I have read the TMAC Media Code of Conduct and agree to its terms. I understand that if I violate the terms of the Code of Conduct I may be asked to leave the conference.
Sexual Harassment Policy
No member shall harass or bully (sexually or otherwise) any other person. Harassment or bullying includes, but is not limited to, behaviours directed toward a person’s race, religion, colour, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), parental status, national origin, age, disability, family medical history or genetic information, political affiliation, or military service.
TMAC members who feel that they have been harassed or bullied should report the incident to a TMAC board member, a TMAC individual in charge of the event (if a TMAC event is where the incident allegedly occurred), or to a member of the Governance Committee.