TMAC 2022 Kick-off Social!









Join us on February 17, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm EST, for an exciting get-together. TMAC National will be hosting a virtual event to kick-off 2022. Connect with fellow members and find out all about the latest news and updates – from TMAC Awards to a special TMAC Conference presentation!

RSVP now!
We’re using REMO, the same fun, colourful and easy to navigate platform we used for our virtual conference last year.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to RSVP:

  1. Click the Event link below.
  2. Click on the ‘Save me a spot’ blue button and quickly create an account. If you don’t have an account, follow the prompts for Name, email, and choose a password. If you already have an account simply sign in to reserve your spot. 
  3. When your confirmation arrives in your inbox – ADD it to your calendar, plan to grab a cup of coffee, tea – or a glass of wine or beer!



NOTE: To get the full experience of connecting with others, please use a personal desktop or laptop computer with Google Chrome. Mobile devices, tablets and VPN networks are not recommended or supported at this time and may experience connectivity issues.

Let’s Kick-off 2022 – We Are Going Places!

Save the date! See you soon!


If you encounter any issues please contact Donna Hatt, CAO at