BC & Yukon TMAC Chapter AGM


Hello Fellow TMAC BC & Yukon Chapter Members!

We’re excited to announce our 2021 BC & Y Chapter AGM 
Thursday June 17, 2021
1pm Pacific (4pm Eastern) via Zoom 

If you are interested in becoming a 2021-2022 BC & Y Chapter board member, or believe another chapter member would make an ideal candidate for any of the roles outlined below, please submit the following to me by June 16, 2021.

  • Name
  • Organization
  • Position of Interest
  • Short paragraph outlining reasons for nomination and interest in position

*Please note: you are able to self-nominate.

In accordance with the chapter governance requirements, the board will be limited to seven members, made up of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Event Coordinator and two members-at-large.

Role Descriptions

The president — also called the chapter chair — is responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs of the chapter. He or she chairs all meetings of the chapter’s board of directors, as well as representing the chapter on the national board of directors, which comprises participation in the monthly meetings, annual board summit and other activities. The chair is also the chapter’s primary point of contact for the administration office, and reviews all reports, statements and committees as required.
Vice-President: The vice-president fulfils the president’s functions in his or her absence, and takes on organizing, planning and implementation roles as required. The vice-president may also choose to focus on a specific area of influence, such as membership, parliamentary procedures or communication.

The treasurer maintains accounts of all income and expenses for the chapter, makes bank deposits, pays bills, produces reports for the national board as required.

The secretary prepares meeting agendas, records and distributes meeting minutes, sends out notices to the membership, and safeguards all documentation relating to the chapter.

Events co-ordinator(s):
Social and professional events are among the most valuable activities undertaken by the chapter. As such, the events co-ordinator(s) position is of utmost importance. He, she or they are responsible for booking venues, organizing food and drink, securing prizes and arranging speakers, and may strike a committee to help with the task, as deemed appropriate.

Members at large:
Members at large are, first and foremost, expected to participate in meetings and contribute insight and ideas to any ongoing discussion. In addition, they can take on a variety of tasks as the need arises, whether they involve serving on a committee or working on an event. Because of the myriad of jobs they tackle, members at large are hugely valuable members of the TMAC team.

I will do my best to answer any questions you may have either in advance, or during the meeting.

Thank you,
Ursula Maxwell-Lewis

Chair/President, TMAC BC & Yukon Chapter
e: utravel@shaw.ca
c: 604 833-7975