Yearly Lobster Crawl


Just in case you haven’t heard – we’ll proudly tell you we’re a four-season destination here on Nova Scotia’s South Shore – spring, summer, fall and LOBSTER!!!

That’s why every February – for the entire month – we throw a fantastically tasty event called the Nova Scotia Lobster Crawl festival.

You see, February just happens to be the peak of the lobster season along the entire South Shore, so from Barrington (the Lobster Capital of Canada) to Peggy’s Cove and every port in between – you can expect all kinds of celebrations in salute to that ever so yummy crustacean.

With over 70 events you can be sure there’s something to please everyone’s appetite – beyond the great gastronomical kind too. You’ll discover everything from Sharpie sketch sip & savour drawing to knitting of lobster claw mitts and sporting events, to a full-fledged lobster scavenger hunt! Be sure to check out our complete list of events and festival packages below then plan to join us for all the lobster-infused fun this February.

It’s all for the love of lobster our Nova Scotia’s Lobster Crawl so come celebrate with us in 2022 to fill your heart and your belly!

Keep an eye on the Oak Island Resort website for our special packages in February!

And to learn more about all the Lobster Crawl events, visit the Crawl website here.