Great Canadian Trails (GCT) vast selection of innovative hiking and cycling adventures draw upon some of Canada's most inspiring landscapes, incredible networks of trails, and stunning national parks. Participants will also connect with locals through enriching authentic experiences and cultural highlights as diverse as the Canadian landscapes.
With both supported self-guided and small group guided trips, our style of travel offers the opportunity to explore remote terrains and communities with the safety of a solid local network. Along with the expertise of our operations team and insights from the local communities, the main objective is to develop sustainable support for hikers and cyclists to facilitate multi-day outdoor adventures across the country. GCT products are unique and often exclusive.
GCT offers accessibility to more remote trails by providing safe wilderness experiences without the hassle of the logistics. Travellers spend their day exploring UNESCO World Heritage sites, stunning national, provincial and territorial parks, and world-renowned trails, only with their daypack while GCT takes care of everything else.